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Northwest D-III College Men's Conferences

City: Olympia
Date: 4/13/2024 - 4/14/2024
State: WA
Men's Division Schedule

This event is not accepting registration anymore.

Northwest D-III Men's Conferences

Final Standings:

*1 - Whitman [1]
*2 - Lewis & Clark [2]
3 - Reed [5]
4 - Puget Sound [3]
5T - Portland [4]
5T - Pacific Lutheran [6]
7 - Whitworth [7]
8 - Seattle [9]
9 - Willamette [8]
[#] = seed


9 teams will be attending the conference championship. There will be 2 pools for Saturday pool play: 1 pool of 5 (Pool A) and 1 pool of 4 (Pool B). The pools, schedule, and fields can be found on the event page. Here are the formats for each pool:


- Pool A: Games to 15, half at 8, 2 timeouts per half

Play 75 soft / 90 hard cap with 1 hr 45 minute rounds. Rounds at 8a, 9:45a, 11:30a, 1:15p, 3p

8 am start, 9:15 am soft cap, 9:30 am hard cap

9:45 am start, 11 am soft cap, 11:15 am hard cap

11:30 am start, 12:45 pm soft cap, 1 pm hard cap

1:15 pm start, 2:30 pm soft cap, 2:45 pm hard cap

3 pm start, 4:15 pm soft cap, 4:30 pm hard cap

- Pool B: Games to 11, Half at 6, 2 timeouts per half

Play 90 soft / 105 hard cap with 2 hr 15 min rounds rounds starting at 9:45 am, 12 pm, 2:15 pm

9:45 am start, 11:15 am soft cap, 11:30 am hard cap

12 pm start, 1:30 pm soft cap, 1:45 pm hard cap

2:15 pm start, 3:45 pm soft cap, 4:15 pm hard cap


Games to 15, half at 8, 2 timeouts per half

Play 90 soft / 105 hard cap with 2 hr rounds rounds starting at 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm

8:30 am start, 10 am soft cap, 10:15 am hard cap

10:30 am start, 12 pm soft cap, 12:15 pm hard cap

12:30 pm start, 2 pm soft cap, 2:15 pm hard cap

*At the soft cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the game total has not yet been reached by one team, one is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new game total.

**At the hard cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the score is tied, play continues until one additional goal is scored. Otherwise, the game ends. The team with the most goals at the end of the game is the winner.

Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Conference Championship Tournament
Field Map:
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9 teams, 2 advance — Alternate 9.2

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