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Round 1
Date Time Field Team 1 Team 2 Score Status Options
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 1 Surly Cynic (15) Minnesota Superior U20B (17) 15  -  5 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 2 Mad Men (2) Knights of Ni (5) 15  -  6 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 3 General Strike (1) MN Superior U17 (18) 15  -  0 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 4 Mallard (3) Scythe (7) 15  -  4 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 5 DeMo (4) DINGWOP (8) 8  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 6 HouSE (6) NOMAD (9) 10  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 9:00 AM Field 7 Timber (10) Zoboomafoo (16) 7  -  15 Final Match Report
Round 2
Date Time Field Team 1 Team 2 Score Status Options
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 1 General Strike (1) Knights of Ni (5) 15  -  5 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 2 DeMo (4) DCVIII (11) 15  -  11 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 3 Mad Men (2) Minnesota Superior U20B (17) 15  -  6 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 4 Mallard (3) HouSE (6) 15  -  7 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 5 Surly Cynic (15) Loaded Panda (12) 15  -  7 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 6 OPE (14) Void (13) 15  -  11 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 11:00 AM Field 7 Zoboomafoo (16) MN Superior U17 (18) 15  -  2 Final Match Report
Round 3
Date Time Field Team 1 Team 2 Score Status Options
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 1 Scythe (7) MN Superior U17 (18) 15  -  4 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 2 Loaded Panda (12) Zoboomafoo (16) 2  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 3 Timber (10) Surly Cynic (15) 4  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 4 General Strike (1) NOMAD (9) 15  -  2 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 5 DCVIII (11) Void (13) 11  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 6 OPE (14) Minnesota Superior U20B (17) 15  -  12 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 1:00 PM Field 7 Mad Men (2) DINGWOP (8) 15  -  9 Final Match Report
Round 4
Date Time Field Team 1 Team 2 Score Status Options
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 1 Timber (10) DCVIII (11) 15  -  8 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 2 OPE (14) Scythe (7) 13  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 3 DeMo (4) Zoboomafoo (16) 14  -  13 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 4 Mallard (3) Knights of Ni (5) 15  -  7 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 5 HouSE (6) Surly Cynic (15) 5  -  15 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 6 NOMAD (9) Loaded Panda (12) 14  -  4 Final Match Report
Sat 6/22 3:00 PM Field 7 DINGWOP (8) Void (13) 15  -  8 Final Match Report