Account Management
Pool Play:
- Games to 15
- Half Time Cap - 40 minutes
- Soft Cap - 80 minutes
- Hard Cap - 95 minutes
- 2 Timeout/Half
- 5 minute halftime 
Bracket Play:
- Games to 15
- Half Time Cap - 45 minutes
- Soft Cap - 90 minutes
- Hard Cap - 105 minutes
- 2 Timeouts/Half
- 5 minute half
Cap Explanation - As soon as you hear the horn, finish the point you're playing. If you're "in between points" you're already playing that point so you still have to finish that point before assessing the cap rule. Upon completion of that point assess the cap. For Half Time and Soft Cap, add 1 to the team in the lead and that is your new halftime or final. For Hard Cap if at this point either team is winning the game is over. If it is tied, play one more point.