Account Management

Saturday Info:

All Games:

Games to 13
Half time Cap - 40 minutes
Soft Cap - 75 minutes
Hard Cap - 90 minutes
Half time Length - 7 minutes 


1 per half + a Floater

Note on Pool C & D:

These are 4 team clipped pools. This means that you will only play 2 of the teams in your pool, but the 2nd round matchups are contingent on the 1st round results. Within a pool, the winners of the first round game will play each other and the losers of each first round game will play each other. Once those games are determined, the other 2 games in that pool will be left unplayed and will be deleted from the system so that the pool results will determine 1st-4th based on record, head-to-head, and point differential as needed. 

Sunday Info:

Games to 15
Half time Cap - 45 minutes
Soft Cap - 90 minutes
Hard Cap - 105 minutes
Half time Length - 7 minutes


2 per half 

Cap Definitions: 

At the halftime cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the halftime target has not yet been reached by one team, one is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new halftime target.

At the soft cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the game total has not yet been reached by one team, one is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new game total.

At the hard cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the score is tied, play continues until one additional goal is scored. Otherwise, the game ends. The team with the most goals at the end of the game is the winner.